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Merry Meet!

Welcome to my Wiccan blog. Here I share posts about everything Wicca. If you believe in the unknown and are spiritual like me, this is the blog for you. Merry part and happy reading!

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Happy Litha! June 21, 2023

Litha marks the longest day of the year and the shortest night of the year, the Summer Solstice. We celebrate the God making his descent...

Beltane is on May 1st!

Happy almost Beltane to all! Beltane is a time to rejoice in the comforts of Spring by dawning a flower crown, dancing around a maypole,...

Happy (Belated) Ostara!

Ostara this year was on March 21, 2023, right after my birthday which was on March 20th. Because of the timing of my birthday, I took off...

Malachite - The Stone Of Scrying

Physical Properties Malachite is a green monoclinic Hydrous copper carbonate crystal with a hardness of 3.5-4 on the Mohs Hardness Scale....

What Is Imbolc?

Imbolc is celebrated on February 1st in the Northern Hemisphere and August 1 in the Southern Hemisphere. Imbolc is one of the fire...

DIY Rune Set For Under $5

On a recent trip to the dollar store, I ran into these amazing wood slices, with enough pieces to create a set of runes. That then led me...

Wiccan Bullet Journal Set Up For February

Merry Meet! I started my Wiccan Bullet Journal journey this year. I've dabbled in bullet journaling before, but I've never found a layout...

Rainbow Moonstone - The Stone of Spiritual Healing

Physical Properties Rainbow Moonstone is an excellent translucent, monoclinic crystal that rates a 6 on the Mohs Hardness Scale. It is...

Mahogany Obsidian - The Stone Of Balance

Physical Properties Mahogany Obsidian is found today in volcanic regions and in Mexico. It is a beautiful stone that is a type of...

The Healing Power Of Bumble Bee Jasper

Physical Properties Bumble Bee Jasper is a beautiful, relatively rare, stone of yellow and black bands found in Indonesia and Australia....

Imbolc Is Quickly Approaching

Imbolc is on February 1, 2023. I plan on holding a ritual for healing, as that is an intention of the sabbat. I even have my yellow dress...

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