Ostara this year was on March 21, 2023, right after my birthday which was on March 20th. Because of the timing of my birthday, I took off a few days and waited to post about this Sabbat.
Ostara is the celebration of the beginning of Spring, the return of life to earth, and the Goddess entering her Maiden aspect. As you walk around, you can see the signs of Spring popping up from the ground and growing on the tips of branches. Life is making its way back to the land, and by extension, the animals. Chicks and ducklings are being born and sold to farmers, fruit trees are planted for future harvests, and beautiful daffodils are beginning to bloom.
Magick work associated with Ostara include fertility and love spells, cleansing, rituals to bring balance, creativity spells, shadow work, inner child work, herbal magick, kitchen magick, and working with the fae.
Celebrations of Ostara include purify your home and scatter eggshells around it for protection, earth focused meditation, go for a walk to look for signs of spring, decorate your home with spring flowers, set up an altar with flowers, eggs, and rabbits, plant seeds for purifying plants such as rosemary, decorate eggs and give them as gifts, begin plans for a new project, clean your space and sweep away bad energy, open your windows to let the spring air in, garden or re-pot a houseplant, go on a nature walk to look for signs of spring, and bring spring flowers inside where you can see them.
Recipes for Ostara can include steamed asparagus with lemon, stuffed eggs with stone ground mustard, quiche, mint lamb chops, hot cross buns, honey cake, ham and parsley sauce, cheesy dill mashed potatoes, spring green punch, raw asparagus and avocado soup, honey ginger carrots, garlic mushrooms, and honey lime scallops.
Crafts perfect for Ostara include cascarones, eggshell plant pots, painted garden stones, and terrariums.
Correspondences of Ostara include:
Male Archetypes
•God in the form of a young, lustful man who will soon become the father
•God of the wild
•The Green Man
Female Archetypes
•Goddess of fertility
•Mother of the Earth
•The Goddess in the form of the Maiden
•Aengus MacOg
•The Dagda
•Eros/ Cupid
•The Green Man
•Green: Abundance, calming, fertility, growth, health, new beginnings, prosperity
•Light Blue: Calmness, patience, tranquility, understanding
•Pink: Affection, contentment, harmony, honor, love, spiritual healing, spring, tenderness, virtue
•Silver: The Goddess, intuition, the inner-self, night, psychic abilities, receptivity, spiritual truth
•Violet: Healing, intuition, self-improvement, spiritual awareness
•White: Childhood, cleansing, divination, healing, innocence, peace, protection, purification, truth
•Yellow: Attraction, creativity, communication, joy, planning, psychic ability, the Sun, vitality
•Broom: Calming, communication, concentration, divination, harmony, intuition, prosperity, purification
•High John Root: Attraction, blessings, divination, happiness, love, luck, peace, prosperity, psychic abilities, strength, support, well-being
•Irish Moss: Luck, money
•Lemon Grass: Psychic awareness, purification
•Alder: Clarity, divination, guidance, intuition, rebirth, renewal, transformation, truth, visions
•Apple: Attraction, beauty, beginnings, blessings, divination, fertility, innocence, insight, love, renewal, relationships, strength, well-being
•Hawthorn: Creativity, family, fertility, happiness, love, luck, peace, prosperity, purity, relationships, self-work, wishes
•Apple Blossom: Celebrating life cycles, friendship, love, peace
•Columbine: Courage
•Crocus: Attracts love
•Daffodil: Fertility, honors the gods and goddesses of Spring, love, wishing
•Daisy: Attracts love and lust
•Honeysuckle: Honesty, psychic awareness, prosperity
•Jasmine: Dreams, love, peace, sex, spirituality
•Jonquil: Affection, love
•Lilac: Beauty, love, protection, purification, reveals past lives
•Narcissus: Harmony, love, peace
•Orange blossom: Beauty, love, marriage
•Primrose: Attracts spring faeries and love
•Rose: Beauty, love, luck, peace, protection, psychic powers, sex
•Tulip: Dreams, happiness, love, purification
•Violets: Healing, love, luck, lust, peace, sleep, spiritual healing, wishes
Crystals & Stones
•Agate: Courage, love, protection, strength
•Aquamarine: Courage, peace, psychic awareness, purification, self-expression
•Bloodstone: Courage, self-confidence, strength
•Silver: Ambition, attraction, beginnings, calm, creativity, emotions, energy, improvement, influence, intuition, love, luck, lust, motivation, peace, prosperity, psychic abilities, purification
•Bees: New life and good health, produce honey- a gift from the gods
•Boar: Symbol of masculine power, meat was served to deities, gives one strength
•Butterflies: Symbolize rebirth because they have transformed from a caterpillar
•Chicks: Represent birth of a new generation, fertility, and things to come
•Hedgehog: Symbolizes self-preservation
•Horse: Feminine power and freedom
•Rabbit: Fertility, prosperity, abundance
•Ram: Young masculine power, lustful nature, procreation, Aries
•Robin: First sign of Spring
•Apple blossom
•Clean crisp air
•Orange blossom
•Any spring floral scent
Symbols & Tools
•Baskets: Gathering and encouraging growth and abundance
•Eggs: Creation and fertility
•Hare: Symbol of the holiday and the goddess Eostre
•Seeds: Fertility, new beginnings, new goals
•The Empress
•The Fool
•The Magician
•The Priestess
•The Star
Food & Drink
•Spring onions
•Drinks that come in Spring colors