Physical Properties
Rainbow Moonstone is an excellent translucent, monoclinic crystal that rates a 6 on the Mohs Hardness Scale. It is sourced from India, Sri Lanka, and Australia with most coming from Sri Lanka. Rainbow Moonstone is a sodium potassium aluminum silicate of the feldspar group. It boasts a beautiful opalescent shimmer.
Metaphysical Properties
Rainbow Moonstone connects with all of the chakras due to its rainbow color and its overall healing properties. It connects with the Moon's nurturing energy. The Moon is considered feminine and rules over the female reproductive cycle, so this stone helps with any female hormone, including men with estrogen problems, or menstrual cycle issue. The stone actually balances male and female energies, and so, helps men connect more with their feminine side and women connect more with their masculine side. Rainbow moonstone helps you see the unseen and connects us to our life's plan. Rainbow moonstone houses the energy of harmony and peace for all beings.
Element: Water
Zodiac: Cancer
Planet: The Moon
Energy: Yin
Number: 77
Chakra: All (Heart, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Throat, Root/Base, Third Eye/Brow, Crown)
Full Moons: August, February, January, June
Tarot: High Priestess, Moon
Deity: Arianhod, Diana, Hekate, Isis, Luna, Rhiannon, Selene
Issues & Intentions: accomplishment, affection, the afterlife, agriculture, awareness, calm, clairvoyance, communication, compassion, connections (emotional), creativity, cycles, death, destiny, divination, dream work, emotions, enchantment, friend/ship, guidance, happiness, harmony, healing, hope, intuition, knowledge, light, love (attract, open to), loyalty, luck, magick (angel, moon, night), the mind (unite mind, body, spirit), mood, obstacles (gray moonstone), passion, power (occult), pregnancy / childbirth, problems, protection (travel), psychic ability, reconciliation, release, self-work, sensitivity, sleep, spirits (contact), stress, support, travel, wisdom, youth
Healing Properties
Rainbow Moonstone is beneficial for:
Assimilation of nutrients
Deep emotional healing
Digestive system
Female reproductive cycle
Fleshy organs
Fluid imbalances
Fluid retention
Hormonal balance
Hyperactive children
Pineal gland
Reproductive system
The biorhythmic clock