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Writer's pictureAlison Coyle

Imbolc Is Quickly Approaching

Imbolc is on February 1, 2023. I plan on holding a ritual for healing, as that is an intention of the sabbat. I even have my yellow dress picked out already. :) I will finish the night with a feast consisting of a cashew and dried fruit and cheese charcuterie board, mashed potatoes, corn muffins, deviled eggs, a dried beef and noodle casserole, and some cider to drink. I will also be making dipped bees wax candles. Have you made your plans yet?

Following is a list of correspondences for the holiday to help you plan out your festivities.

Intentions: Activate/Awaken, Animals, Banish, Beginnings, Divination, Fertility, Healing, Hope, Illumination, Inspiration, Light, Pregnancy/Childbirth, Prophecy, Prosperity, Purification, Transformation, Well-being, youth

Archetypes: God in the form of a child exploring the world, The innocence of the masculine, The Goddess transforming from Crone to Maiden, The Goddess in the form of young mother tending to her growing child

Deities: Februus, Bragi, Cupid, Dian Cecht, Dumuzi, Eros, Brigid, Aphrodite/Venus, Diana, Arianrhod, Artio, Athena, Danu, Gaia, Inanna, Juno, Selene, Vesta, Selu

Colors: Light Green, Pink, White, Yellow

Herbs: Angelica, Basil, Blackberry/Bramble, Cinnamon, Grain, Reed, Wormwood

Trees: Blackthorn, Cedar, Rowan, Sycamore

Flowers: Crocus, Daffodil

Crystals & Stones: Amethyst, Turquoise, Antimony, Brass, Gold

Animals: Cow, Dragon, Groundhog, Lark, Robin, Sheep, Snake, Swan

Scents: Cedar, Peppermint, Styrax, Basil, Cinnamon

Symbols & Tools: Brigid’s Cross, Corn dollies, Brigid’s bed, Candles, Saint Brigid, Saint Mary, The cauldron, Broom/besom, Whistle

Tarot: Death, The Empress, The Star

Food & Drink: Dried fruits, Grains, Potatoes, Cornmeal, Dried/salted meats, Cheese, Pickled or canned foods, Nuts, Eggs, Dairy products, Ale, Mead, Cider

Following is a list of some ideas on how to celebrate.

Altar Ideas: Brigid’s cross, Candles, Sun wheels, Evergreen needles, Flowers, Wool, Grain, Bread, Snow water, Sheep figurines

Spells & Divination: Home cleansing and refreshing wards, Blessing and consecration of magickal tools/workspaces, New beginnings spells, Fertility spells, Rituals to honor Brigid, Animal magick

Recipes & Crafts: Yogurt cheese, Butter, Fortune cookies, Brigid’s cross, Dipped candles, Candle dressing, Corn dollies

Rituals: Make a Brigid Cross and place it on your altar, Make an Imbolc incense, Make a corn dolly, Spring clean, Plant seeds in the ground, Light a red candle to honor the sun, Make your own candles to welcome back the sun, Cinnamon magick, Cleanse and purify your space, Drink/eat dairy (or a vegan alternative), Honor Brigid: learn more about her or write poetry, Get a house plant or re-pot one you already have

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Alison Coyle
Alison Coyle
Feb 10, 2023

How great! :) Up here in the PNW, we had an awesome time too!


Artemis Lore
Artemis Lore
Feb 08, 2023

Imbolc was awesome! I definitely celebrated out here in Los Angeles

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